Winter tips for keeping your car or truck in great shape

Here are a few simple ways to make this winter a better time (some tips for keeping your car or truck in great shape)... Monitor Tire Pressure. It’s always a good idea to check tire pressure regularly because tires will lose some air over time. This is especially important [...]

Winter tips for keeping your car or truck in great shape2020-11-30T16:37:52+00:00

Do I really need to do that transmission/coolant/brake fluid flush?

Our last blog post talked about a question we hear pretty often: "What do I do if the Check Engine light comes on?" Here we'll cover some basic services that may be offered to you by lube or repair businesses. It's good to be informed. Don't buckle under pressure... [...]

Do I really need to do that transmission/coolant/brake fluid flush?2019-04-30T21:08:41+00:00

Why is my Check Engine light on?

When your car's Check Engine warning light comes on, a common response is, “Oh no, what’s this going to cost?”. The light could mean there is a costly problem, like a bad catalytic converter, OR it could be something minor, like a loose gas cap. The catalytic converter is [...]

Why is my Check Engine light on?2019-04-18T16:21:42+00:00

How to get the World’s Easiest Oil Change

A recent report tells us people value a service that provides: 1. "Speed and Convenience" 2. "Done for You" 3. "An Awesome Experience" We can help with ALL 3 of those! HERE'S HOW to get the World's Easiest and Fastest Oil Change: Call us or use the Schedule Appointment [...]

How to get the World’s Easiest Oil Change2020-01-21T02:37:25+00:00

Car Thieves: 6 Things They Don’t Want You to Know

The National Insurance Crime Bureau says a car is stolen every 45 seconds in the US. In 2007 metro Phoenix was one of the top car theft areas in the country. As of 2018 we’d dropped to 94th, a great improvement, but thousands of cars and trucks are still [...]

Car Thieves: 6 Things They Don’t Want You to Know2018-09-04T03:22:07+00:00

Full Synthetic or Conventional Oil???

There are many opinions and articles out there on conventional vs. synthetic blend vs. full synthetic oils. Here’s some good info to start with: Full synthetic oils need lower levels of viscosity index “improvers”, which are the oil components most vulnerable to thermal and mechanical degradation as the oil [...]

Full Synthetic or Conventional Oil???2018-09-26T23:09:39+00:00

What to do if your car or truck is overheating

Driving a vehicle with an overheated engine can do serious damage. Here's an article on how to cool it off: USE CAUTION! You can get burned. You can also ruin the engine, as explained here: The bottom line: If you're not confident you can handle an overheated [...]

What to do if your car or truck is overheating2018-08-08T19:02:11+00:00

9 Ways to Ruin Your Car!

1. Turn It into a Kiddie Car (like the Ferrari in the photo). 2. Ignoring Your Car’s Sounds If you pay attention, your car can often tell you exactly what needs fixing. For example, those squealing brakes mean you need new pads, and if you ignore that sound, eventually [...]

9 Ways to Ruin Your Car!2018-08-08T19:04:28+00:00

9 Easy Things You Can Do to Make Your Car Last Longer

If you like the idea of waiting a little longer before diving deep into a new car loan, here are 9 simple things that'll help a lot: 1. Service your car at least as well as the Owner's Manual recommends, or even better. 2. Change the oil every 5,000 [...]

9 Easy Things You Can Do to Make Your Car Last Longer2018-08-08T19:05:25+00:00

Diesel Fuel Filters: Why Spend Money on Them?

Over $4,000 for a fuel system repair? Yes. For the second time in the last few months, we have heard from someone that they had to spend that much on their late model diesel truck. Why? Well, here’s some helpful info: From the NAPA Auto Parts website: “Today’s fuel [...]

Diesel Fuel Filters: Why Spend Money on Them?2018-08-08T19:09:59+00:00
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